It is my best series since 2011. I learned about blogger. Then I thought about creating a blog related to it. So, here it is. Hope you people will enjoy it.
Randyll Tarly, of the House Tarly is one of a character whose House had a Valyrian Steel Sword , named Heartsbane. He was killed at an old age by Daenerys Targaryen by burning with Dragon fire with his son, Dickon Tarly. Randyll's only living son in the series of Game of Thrones is the best friend of Jon Snow, Samuel Tarly, who is a fattest man in the series, which was the only reason he was sent to the Night's Watch. Randyll Tarly's House supported the Lannisters in a promise of becoming the Warden of the South after Lannisters win the war against the Targaryen queen, Daenerys Targaryen.