Lord Roose Bolton was the Lord of the
Dreadfort and the head of House Bolton, the former ruling Great
House of the North after usurping the position from House Stark. He
was the father of Ramsay Bolton, his legitimized bastard, and an
unnamed newbornbaby from his wife, Walda Frey.
During the War of the Five Kings, Roose serves King
in the North Robb Stark as one of his top generals. However, they disagree
quite often due to various tactical and political differences. He later betrays
and murders Robb at the Red Wedding after allying with House
Frey and House Lannister when the war turns against them. Roose
is appointed the new Warden of the North by King Joffrey
Baratheon on Tywin Lannister's orders as a reward for killing Robb
and ending the conflict. Roose later rebuilds Winterfell and makes it
his home and to further strengthen his hold on the North, he has his bastard
son Ramsay Bolton legitimized and weds him to Sansa Stark, while
he marries Walder Frey's granddaughter, Walda, and impregnates her. After
Sansa escapes with Theon Greyjoy, Roose contemplates disinheriting Ramsay
for his carelessness in favor of his legitimate baby son, but he is betrayed
and murdered by his own son, who goes on to kill Walda and the baby as
After that Ramsay goes on becoming the Warden in the North taking power from his father. In this way, Roose Bolton's life ends leaving his soul wander for power even after his death. He can be seen as another person, just like Petyr Baelish, who has a great hunger for power. Anyhow, both of them dies.