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Character Review: Tormund Giantsbane

Tormund, often called Tormund Giantsbane, is a renowned leader and raider among the Free Folk and one of the key leaders behind Mance Rayder. Tormund respected Mance as the King-Beyond-the-Wall and suspected he was the man to lead them through the Long Night. But as time passes and Mance is killed on the orders of Stannis Baratheon, he believes the prophesied warrior is his enemy-turned-friend Jon Snow.

Tormund Giantsbane is an extremely fierce and determined man and a born warrior of the Free Folk in almost every way. Aside from his excellent fighting skills and monstrous strength, Tormund is a supremely intimidating individual who immediately asserts that his enemies should be afraid of him, which he does in his first encounter with Jon Snow, stating that men similar to Jon have met their ends trying to end Tormund's life in combat. Tormund is clearly hugely respected among his people, as evidenced by the immense responsibilities placed upon him by Mance Rayder during their campaign against the Night's Watch - namely to climb the Wall itself and enter the southern kingdoms on the other side. Tormund proved to be capable of great cruelty and brutality during this campaign, and in several others.
To his credit, Tormund is both dangerous and loyal in equal measure - as one of Mance Rayder's most trusted and terrifying lieutenants, eclipsing only Styr in that regard, Tormund followed the King Beyond the Wall's orders without hesitation or complaint and outright devoted himself to the task of fighting the Night's Watch in support of the plan that Mance had. He cares tremendously about his own kind, protecting Ygritte during the duel between Jon Snow and Orell, preventing her from interfering or being killed for treachery by their companions. Earlier on, Tormund expressed that he would kill Jon if the latter was deceiving them, in spite of the fact that Tormund admittedly liked him. When Jon betrays them and escapes to Castle Black, Tormund shows skepticism that Ygritte failed to kill Jon, citing his knowledge of her archery skills as support of his suspicions.(Source:-
Tormund declares war on the Castle Black and then gets arrested. Later on he is confronted with the lord commander of the Night’s Watch Jon Snow for interrogation. He is asked to save his people from the ill fate that is pouring upon everyone in the Seven Kingdoms from the mighty enemies, the White Walkers and the Night King.
Finally, after saving his people Tormund becomes friend to Jon Snow, fighting beside Jon on the War of Winterfell, and continues the survival of his people, the Wildlings.

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