Theon was the best friend of the King in the North, Robb
Stark. Theon was sent on a mission by Robb Stark. During which Theon betrayed
Robb and took control of Winterfell right after Ned Stark’s death. He even had
to prosecute Ser Rodrick. At last he was betrayed by his own people and
submitted to Ramsay Bolton.
Theon is a charcter of this play, whose life rotates around
deep suffering. Ramsay Bolton even cuts out his Penis and submits to Theon’s
father, Baelon Greyjoy. Ramsay tortured Theon in a very deep level because of
which Theon even forgot his own identity. Ramsay forced Theon to be known as
the Reek. Eventhough house Bolton was a torturous house since past, Ramsay was
more torturous than any of his late ancestors.
Further, Theon suffers from Ramsay as he marries Theon’s so
called sister Sansa Stark. Theon becomes helpless seeing his sister married to
a torturous, evil, and usurper man. Later on Sansa and Theon are successful in
fleeing from Winterfell. When Sansa comes under the protection of Lady Brienne,
Theon asks Brienne to give her a horse so that he could return back to iron
islands and settle the business there too.
In conclusion, Theon Greyjoy is a type of character who
wants to rise in power even though he didn’t have any ability to be one of the
Lords. Thus, there are lots of hurdle in his life to get what he wants.